Blogging – it’s hard but needed

I am working with Aphasia after Stroke.
So typing my words are hard.
But I have to.

The words, the sentences,

and the feelings in my creation,

have always been my soul.


This was lost.
Well, not lost entirely, the soul is still in me, it was always all there inside.
But I lost my tools in my brain “for a while” was lost.


Now I have to work. I work. And work.
I work the creation my for the puzzle and spell and sentences and I start at A, where I used to be at S or T or even U before my punch in my brain by the stroke…


But I need this.

It still works. Now it is.
But it’s hard… Spelling things I used to do it without thinking about it.
Now I think.


I get Google, and other things. Computer and phones. Always.
I use it to get Google Translate have it sentences to get me how its “sounds”, and of course spelling.


One thing I got most writing to was about my kids being playing American football. And keep write about it after kids stop playing… Miss that too…
See it: Football By Rapp


It’s so much good to get writing again.

But it is hard. So is life!

3 thoughts on “Blogging – it’s hard but needed

  1. Keep on the good work – looking forward to have you back as the leading star with great knowledge and ability to give good advise. It will be hard but I’m certain that you will pull it off!

  2. I’m proud and impressed by your dedication and hard work on your recovery!
    Thank you for sharing your journey with us, it is both instructive and inspiring.
    You have friends and admirers around the world cheering for you.
    There is much progress and success ahead of you! 🙂

    1. Thank you Scott 🙏
      It means message like that massive.
      We are two, remembering friends and what means things for us.
      The times are hard, but the joys shared.

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