
On the 16 of February, my wife Linda bought me the book…

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster

Bill Gates

…today she gave it too me.

She didn’t know what would happen, ‘maybe he be home for a few weeks and needs a book‘… will maybe not…

That was after my “small” stroke. After a few hours, I got The Big Stroke.

She didn’t give me the book. What use for me…

Today, 5 months + change from my stroke, when I have my first try to read a English book.

Page 1.

I think I can read this. It will take, that’s sure… I would say half a year, if I keep reading.

Okey, I am still on page 2, but I had to blog it first… But I’m continue!

I also think one think, after reading page one, you should read it.

Bill knows the important things.

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