My Dates

These are the dates of my diary.

DatesMy days
1996-04-01Working consultant
2009-06-01 Dynamics CRM
A week of family – skiing in Hemavan.
2021-02-15 Work daytime, work evening for Scottish Summit.
2021-02-16 03:00My “small” stroke at home when I sleep. Ambulance took me to Danderyds Sjukhus.
2021-02-16 18:00My “monumental” stroke. Surgery by the top doctors at Karolinska Sjukhus (KS).
Still at KS. No memories for me.
2021-02-19 Back to Danderyds Sjukhus, my new life starts.
Living at Avdelning 73, DS. Getting slowly better. Realize who I am. Don’t speak anything working.
2021-02-27Enjoying Scottish Summit, but I should have been there…
2021-03-01 Moved to Avdelning 84, DS. Starting rehab.
Every day I get better. Speaking anything, 5%. Working out gym, body getter stronger.
2021-03-08Worrying about the neck and blood. X-ray and everything look good.
2021-03-25 Move home to with and family.
I’m “free”, work some in the garden.
Rehab at DS for most days.
2021-04-21Worry over throat blood vessel, spend 7 hrs in Avd 73 and x-ray. Everything is good.
2021-04-23Checking my eyes at KS. Pretty good.
2021-05-04First vaccine for COVID, Phizer right arm.
2021-05-21Meeting KS, only x-ray and I hear nothing.
Using bicycle to bus every day and shopping a few.
2021-06-06Bicycle 10km, then workout home.
2021-06-07Fall on the bike, really small fall, but it got me scared.
2021-06-15Second vaccine for full COVID, Phizer right arm.
My right hand and arm are getting worse. A lot change my right.
2021-06-17X-ray right arm and my brain. Every looked good.
2021-06-21Meeting with CRMK colleagues, with DS work and aphasia therapists.
2021-06-30Meeting Tonus doctor to see what we need for my leg and arm. Nothing for now.
2021-07-06Checking ny eyes again at KS. Still okey.
2021-07-09Right hand a lot worse. A test used to be done in 40-50 seconds, now took 7:40 minutes.
2021-07-20Meet Aleris doctor about my right foot big toe. Nothing right now.
2021-07-31Right hand is getting worse and worse.
2021-08-09Trying to find doctor, need to talk about my hand that is worse.
2021-08-11Meeting doctor and my trainer. Hand checked. It goes bad right now.
2021-08-24Meeting neuro doctor at KS. Checking my hand, can’t understand it… More tests!
2021-08-26Meet Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) and my work CRMK and DS, to decide how to get me back to work.
2021-09-01Meet Tonus doctor. Got botulinum toxin in my arm nerve. Should be good for a few months…
2021-09-01Visit Alma school if I should start there.
2021-09-05Got a Magnetic Resonance imaging of my neck and right arm.
2021-09-06Meet KS neuro doctor who saved me 16 Feb. See the x-rays of my brain. I love him.
Feel dizzier, most when I walk outside.
2021-09-09Doctor checked at all stroke ideas, everything looks ok. But still dizzy…
2021-09-14Meeting conference at rehab to exit me on the 2021-09-16 🙂
2021-09-16Dress rehearsal for Southampton one month, talking in Swedish at my rehab.
2021-09-17My 50 birthday.
Furuhöjden for Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CI), working every day to “fix” my right hand/arm.
2021-10-01Morning I was dizzy, headache, and my eyes saw bad… Spend the day at hospital, x-ray, and all. All is ok. Going home…
Checking my blood pressure for 24 hours, wearing it non-stop.
Doing to Southampton for my session.
2021-10-22Ultrasound for my right shoulder. No new info, unfortunates.
2021-10-26Magnetic Resonance X-ray to see my brain for nerves etc for my right arm problems.
2021-10-29Last day at CI-therapy for the hand. It is still just getting worse…
2021-10-30Cancelled, doc sick! ENeG+EMG to see how my arm nerves works.
In Rome, Italy, with my kids Rasmus, Lukas Cassiopeia who give it to me at 50.
Furuhöjden for CI-therapy, working every day to “fix” my right foot/leg.
2021-11-20ENeG+EMG to see how my arm nerves works. Nothing really wrong with nerves.
2021-12-03Checking my eyes.
2021-12-09Cancelled, doc sick! Meet Tonus doctor, check nerves etc. for arm/hand and leg/foot.
2021-12-15Call from Danderyds Sjukhus doctor.
2021-12-16Meet Tonus doctor, check nerves etc. for arm/hand and leg/foot. I got “botox” to help foot.
2022-01-11Meet doctor at Karolinska Universitetssjukhus on my arm/hand.
Result: “Just keep on training training training.” Nothing else to do on me.
2022-01-12Phone call with Tonus doctor about how the botox works.
Research from KS – how can Mollii help pain shoulder? I am tested once every week.
2022-01-19Met orthopedist doctor for my bad shoulder/arm. Nothing round, do an MR on neck.
Alma school for Aphasia started. Two days every week.
2022-01-20Cancelled, move till end March. Meeting with doc, rehabs, boss, and Försäkringskassan about the future.
2022-01-24Call Försäkringskassa about keep 80% “pay” from the government. Probably impossible, I am “too good” and work too hard.
2022-02-11Meet Camp Pro to get two things to help my hand.
2022-02-16Magnetic Resonance X-ray to check my neck for an orthopedist.
2022-03-03Phone with my old rehab doctor, planning my future.
2022-03-22Presenting my session about my last 13 months to the students at Alma Folkhögskolan.
2022-03-23Presenting my session about my last 13 months to the SFI-students at Alma Folkhögskolan.
2022-03-10Naprapathy looking at my right hand.
2022-04-05Meeting a locally doctor to check me up.
2022-04-07Meet Tonus doctor. New shots of Botox to my hand/arm and my big toe/leg.
2022-04-07Meeting with doc, rehabs, boss, and Försäkringskassan about the future.
2022-04-07My return to techy sessions: “FetchXML Builder – from Zero to Hero”.
2022-05-02Return to work! 25% only, and still 100% sick leave for 3 months.
2022-05-19Presenting my session about my last 15 months to the Aphasia school colleagues at Alma Folkhögskolan.
Being in Glasgow, Scotland, for a conference and I deliver a session.
2022-06-30Meet Tonus doctor. New shots of Botox to my big toe/leg.
2022-07This is a “force” vacation. Don’t work in July.
Vacation at Can Picafort, Mallorca, Spain.
Trip with my big family to Gotland for my sister’s daughter getting married.
2022-08-24Meeting with Försäkringskassan and my CEO. Working “for real” from September!
2022-08-26Doing my presentation about my Aphasia at the rehab at Danderyd Sjukhus.
2022-09-02Meeting a new coach at Neurocampus. Long-term help for my body.
2022-09-06X-ray for my right foot, preparing for meeting with an orthopedist.
Going to Madrid for conference BizzSummit ES2022 to deliver one session.
2022-09-13Meeting with my orthopedist, trying to find out how to help me with my foot.
Orlando, Florida. Conference Community Summit North America 2022 to deliver two sessions.
2022-10-18Doctor’s meeting and tests for “being able to drive a car” in the future.
Autumn conference with colleagues in Pfalz, Germany.
2022-11-03Meet Tonus’s doctor. New shots of Botox to my big toe/leg. Surgery coming up, so no shots now.
2022-11-09Surgery of my right foot, to make it easier to keep my toes up.
2022-11-10New cast after the surgery.
2022-11-16Meeting with Försäkringskassan and my CEO about December etc.
2022-11-18Meeting at our local doctors, talking about future “sick leave” from December.
2022-12-02Meeting the doctor at Tonus, maybe more botox for my hand.
2023-01-09Phone with my speech therapist. She can’t help me anything more. Bye bye!
2023-01-17Meeting my surgery doctor. She looked at my foot – everything is good, go train!
2023-01-26Back at my “personal trainer” at Neurocampus, after pausing during surgery.
2023-01-31An inspector at the Traffic Authority checked how I might drive. A bit closer to driving…
A mini vacation for Linda and me up in Hemavan. Trying to ski again… 🤞
2023-02-27Meeting a orthoptist. Checking my right eye since it is squinting a bit more.

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