
  • Two years after my stroke
    730 days. 104 weeks. 24 months. 2 years. So, what has happened this last year? tl;dr – nothing happened, move on, nada to read about. Bye gone. Or…?
  • I died a bit, one year ago
    Day Zero to Day 365. I have had a gigantic event; the stroke changed my life. What has happened in a short forever year? This is my personal story and a recap of a full year.
  • Part 7 – Chat with Heidi, 11 years of stroke
    Jonas Rapp – STROKE Part 7: We have a chat with Jonas Rapp and Heidi Neuhauser. Heidi got her stroke at 29 years old, and Jonas got it half year ago. We talk about our problems we have had and which we still have.
  • Part 6 – Aphasia fixing it
    Jonas Rapp – STROKE Part 6: * Aphasia fixing it * School / Rehab * What I need * Names is harder * Don’t be quiet
  • Part 5 – My Challenges
    Jonas Rapp – STROKE Part 5: * My Challenges * I’m still Jonas * Aphasia shall be fixed * Very lucky guy * Brain Windows
  • Part 4 – My World Friends
    Jonas Rapp – STROKE Part 4: * My Worlds Friends * MVP Heroes * I Talk. Talk and talk. * Avd.84 – Start work. * Exercise from home
  • Part 3 – My White Light
    Jonas Rapp – STROKE Part 3: * My White Light * Winning & Working * Explained STROKE * Brain void area * New Synapses * Worried
  • Part 2 – Me New Life
    Jonas Rapp – STROKE Part 2: * Where am I * The phone * Meet my wife * Body & Brain * Fix it
  • Part 1 – I Got Stroke
    Jonas Rapp – STROKE This episode Part 1 where I talk before the stroke, until the time of now change my life. Also my sister Åsa will be discussed what’s happening on day 16 February.

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