After my stroke the eyes have been changed a bit.
People getting the type of my stroke usually get changed even more after a few months, and you need new glasses and maybe you get worse enough more, so you can’t ever more do the most important thing:
Drive car.
For the third (or fourth?) time I was today at the “eye doc” at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. She is nice, but unfortunately we will never see each other again. Too bad – or really not!
My eyes are not worse, even a bit better now โบ๏ธ And it’s now been more than 9 months, so there is no risk to get stroke-bad-vision!
So after checking that, she really interested my eyes, how I got changed eyes, so clearly see what’s happened, but not really changing how they works now.
She really had to get the student-doctor to “come, look at his eyes, excellent learn eyes!” and yepp, she was glad to see it.
Anyway, bye bye one of all my docs!
Ready for drive car.
Well only the rest of my body.
When do I start to ski…?