
  • Year 2, Day 10
    My journal from a bit raw recording – this is me, in my ten days of my second year in the new life. Join me!
  • Day 1, Year 2
    My journal from a bit raw recording – this is me, in my first day of my second year in the new life. Join me!
  • 7 January 2022
    I keep working – with me, myself, and I!
  • My Journey Back
    My session from South Coast Summit is now available free. Listen to it, to see what my first 8 months after my stroke.
  • Read the Techy Techs
    There is aphasia in me, saying the words I know for many of years make it hard. This is me trying for the first time – and read it to you.
  • My First Savior
    On a day this week, the therapist Mi asked me to record my talking about anything.
  • 24 June 2021 – promise
    Mom happy birthday 💖 5 weeks vacation I promise 🤞
  • 16 June 2021

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