Every now and then, I just hate the workout and fixing my body.
It doesn’t get better. At all.
It was like some days I got better, and some days it was status que.
Now all I feel my body is falling apart.

What’s wrong with that, I mean Stephen Hawking was a brilliant super man brain – with really no body, for 50 years or so.
You see him, happy although the body has falling so seriously for so long time.
Will if it falls on me and I life 50 years – I make still be 99.7 and happy for it!
Don’t you see his happy? I do.
I have just started to touch code. Real code. Good, working, compile, execute, use the tools.
It is great, it is creating, it is hard, it is given, it is ideas, it is fun.
It is me!
It’s enough. I can enjoy my computer. I can read books.
Well, it isn’t enough.
I still have things to work with my body.
I am saying it to me. I know I have to, I have to, I have to trying my body give him a chance.

This is how the right hand looks.
The left hand, well that’s never on the picture since it always has to both hold the phone and to click the pic.
The right hand never gets to touch the keyboard, it won’t look good…
Actually the left hand is really good at writing, and basically all things it does.
Except for lifting weight things, of any weight.
My left is working too much…
Hawking was awesome.
But I know, I know,
I should continue with my body.
Even if I now and then don’t want to,
don’t think I will get it work,
not always I do,
but I still believe it will work,
some day…
Don’t give up, Jonas.