Emojis – πŸ™ don’t just pray

Over all the time you have many many family, people close, people really far but still close.

(I hope I have thank you all, if not I am sorry and will get better.)

From the first thank you, it was most like emojis:

I didn’t have the word in me, so feelings like that is what I response to you.

I know there where, and still is, many πŸ™ in my writing.


Emoji is 1 character

but a gazillion feels

Now why do I write πŸ™ do I mean you should put your hands like that and start talk to God, Budda, Oden or Loke, or any else? (Okey, I actually live on Valhalla road πŸ˜‰)

I do not want you to pray on anyone.
This shows me that You Care My, and at the same time I Think About You.

These hands being hold together only says “we think”.
Thank you – thinking for me.

Emojis have become a sub meanings to all languages in one emojis.

I have met other with stroke / aphasia, and some have not have the same words that is getting mine a little better now, and these only write with emojis.
The entire world is no letters, and only emojis.
It is a pain.
But it is a blessing to [people|god|budda|valhalla|universe] for us!

PS – of course you may naturaly pray to who ever you like! πŸ˜‡