I have a visualizing My Goal. Something that’s a good tip from Paddy Byrne at Scottish Summit – only one week after my stroke, in February 2021.
It is now on my wall. Good color, text from my PowerPoint, and with only unchecked – yet.
It is very good to keep the goal, when I just feel “F*ck it all, I never want to, I never will anyway – get real you idiot!“
The wall is there, the wall is right. It knows more than I do.
The first check is to talk at the conference in South Coast Summit. Less than two weeks from now… I know what to do, some small fixing of the deck, and check the times.
Still I am worried – will I go by a plane? Will I feel ok? Damn, I have flying so many times… Why am I nerves this time?
Well, I do not control everything. Not even of me and my self. I don’t know how I feel next week. Not even tomorrow morning! I hate that.
A few days back I woke up and felt bad in more ways. I spend the day in the hospital, and some x-ray etc… All is good, the docs say. I’m ok to go, still. (see the dates)
I need to focus.
Clear Eyes
Full Heart
Can’t Lose
I want to know everything I can about me. And I hate not knowing. No one know what is happening to my right hand. Nothing about my shoulder. Nothing about my foot. And even worse – 0.0 persons, including me and doc pros, knows what is happen in my brain.
The only thing I can do, is to focus, to listen to myself, to be smart. Remember I need much sleep. Remember I can’t sit too long at the screen. Take slow walks.
Be smart, Jonas.
Open your eyes.
Let your heart live.
Stay focus.I can’t lose.
Come and see me in South Coast Summit and hear me talk – you will see my thought about Can’t Lose!
This is the best from my play 2021 – weird on Spotify. Some is old and some are not very good, but this always makes me do one more reps (of what I am doing with).
This is my goal, for now.

First thing on: Go to Southampton and talk about me.
Second: Go to Glasgow and talk about anything techy.
Third and fourth are extremely small. Have dinner and run a small jog.
That was never NEVER anything on a “to do”.